The fun police

The fun police

Summer is finally here. It sort of snuck up on us this year. After weeks of one day in the low 60s and the next in the mid-80s, we’ve started seeing mosquitoes and are appalled at the humidity. Welcome to summer in the south. Yesterday after eating fajitas on the porch, Tom grabbed the hose

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In search of some light 3 a.m. reading

I just finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was great, but I don’t think this is really the best stage of my life to really appreciate the beauty of the writing, the complexity of the story, the details, the characters. I’m just too tired these days. Too much of my brain space

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Reclaiming the one that got away

Reclaiming the one that got away

I’d been holding off on getting out baby clothes and organizing all of our newborn necessities — things like swaddles, newborn diapers, merlot. I thought maybe our lack of preparation would entice the baby to come a little early. If being a mother for 21 months has taught me anything, it’s that babies like to catch their

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The second time around

The second time around

When I was pregnant with David, every time I had a doctor’s appointment I’d wear a polyester-blend sundress, preferably sleeveless, with teeny tiny flip flops so that when they weighed me my number wouldn’t include any superflous clothing weight. This time, even though I’m having another summertime baby, it’s been too cold to wear any

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34 weeks…and done

34 weeks…and done

When I look at that belly, all I can think is: no way does that belly have six weeks left. I hate to admit it, but I sort of agree with the lady at the grocery store who wouldn’t believe me when I told her I wasn’t having twins. “Are you sure there aren’t two

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