David thought I was boring before, but even he wasn’t prepared for the level of lethargy I’ve reached after 37 weeks of pregnancy. The only games I want to play are “let’s lay on the bed and pretend to sleep” and “go to Starbucks and get Mama a Java Chip Frappuccino.” David will play “sleeping” for
I’d been holding off on getting out baby clothes and organizing all of our newborn necessities — things like swaddles, newborn diapers, merlot. I thought maybe our lack of preparation would entice the baby to come a little early. If being a mother for 21 months has taught me anything, it’s that babies like to catch their
When I was pregnant with David, every time I had a doctor’s appointment I’d wear a polyester-blend sundress, preferably sleeveless, with teeny tiny flip flops so that when they weighed me my number wouldn’t include any superflous clothing weight. This time, even though I’m having another summertime baby, it’s been too cold to wear any
The other day during dinner, David was shoving corn in his mouth without putting his water down. He did it for like five minutes straight, which is 34 years in toddler time. Once I went to get the camera, though, he stopped. Toddlers are spiteful like that. As soon as he put his water down
Brigham’s daily schedule looks something like this: He goes outside around 10:30 p.m., and then comes home around 8 a.m. starving, exhausted, missing tufts of fur. Sometimes brings rodents home with him. He eats, drinks from the toilet, and then he sleeps all day. He wakes up around 10:30 p.m., gets a snack, licks himself,