
An ode to the best season Watermelon in the backyard Sprinklers in the park A picnic with cousins Pool parties in the backyard Summer

Welcome to my laundry room: Better together

There’s a lot of controversy in the blogging world about writing sponsored posts. Tom and I have talked about sponsored posts, and in that conversation we both decided that, if I ever wrote one I’d label it as a sponsored post at the top. Then we both slapped our knees and had a good laugh about

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Just like that, I’m 39 weeks pregnant

Just like that, I’m 39 weeks pregnant

My baby is the size of a watermelon and my due date is on the horizon; just one week away. I know I’ve mentioned this before (so consider this a reminder to myself): this time I’m trying to look beyond the horizon. Even though well-meaning strangers tell me I won’t be late with this baby

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The fun police

The fun police

Summer is finally here. It sort of snuck up on us this year. After weeks of one day in the low 60s and the next in the mid-80s, we’ve started seeing mosquitoes and are appalled at the humidity. Welcome to summer in the south. Yesterday after eating fajitas on the porch, Tom grabbed the hose

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In search of some light 3 a.m. reading

I just finished reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It was great, but I don’t think this is really the best stage of my life to really appreciate the beauty of the writing, the complexity of the story, the details, the characters. I’m just too tired these days. Too much of my brain space

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