Why I let my kids act like kids at church

A few weeks ago my family headed into worship at church. We found a row, empty except for a middle-aged couple at the end. We filed in and in short order, one-by-one, my children lost their minds.

The couple was polite and friendly. We shared “kids will be kids” smiles as I corrected and redirected in forceful hushes.

A few minutes into the service Tom had to step out and I was left alone trying to scare my kids into sitting in their chairs. But it wasn’t working. My Scary Mom Eyes weren’t scaring anyone into anything.

By the second round of worship songs, the couple quietly left our row and moved to, um, a quieter section.

I didn’t blame them.

My kids were being distracting. My efforts at quieting them was distracting, too.

On most Sunday mornings, all of my kids are in children’s programs during the sermon, but one Sunday a month they sit with us for the entire service. When the kids are with us, we expect them to be quiet and respectful of the service and also the people around us. We try to guide them through the service and explain why we’re asking for this behavior. We don’t want them to just be quiet because we said so — this is not a “children are better seen and not heard” moment. This is worship of a Holy God. This is different.

Focus and reverence is a lifelong practice, I know (prone to wander, Lord I feel it…) and it’s especially tricky with kids. I want my kids to understand the holiness of worship, but I also want them to feel at home at church. I want them to know that God accepts them just as they are — wild, unruly, unable to sit in a chair. He created them that way, perfectly and beautifully in His image.

So while I did say we expect our children to sit quietly and respectfully, the reality on Sunday mornings is very different. During worship there is a lot of correction, redirection, and reminders. I dole out snacks (that hopefully won’t make too much noise or mess) at intervals. The kids color, they bicker, and they laugh. We remind them to whisper overandoverandoverandover and we try to explain the liturgy, ending with the Lord’s Supper. We trust that Jesus is at work.

After the benediction, little ones rejoin their parents from nursery, and the sanctuary takes a new shape. Before the adults even have time to say hello to friends, the kids seem to explode from where they had been lying dormant and start running through the aisles. Older kids zip over and under chairs, through the rows and in and out of the sanctuary. Toddlers try to keep up. You often see moms and dads in a huff, asking their kids’ friends, “Have you seen Mary? Which way was she running?”

Nearly 15 years ago when I first started attending this church, watching the kids run and play was one of my favorite parts of Sunday. The singing would stop and the church would come alive with continued worship; children enjoying life, friends, and engaging with the place in their own beautiful way.

Kids worship differently than adults (thank goodness). They are uninhibited, curious, and sometimes even irreverent with honest questions and responses. But it is worship, and in their own, way they are consecrating the place.

Bringing kids to church is tough all around, isn’t it? It’s hard as a parent to decide what you expect of your kids, and it’s hard on kids to ask them to do all of the things that are inherently difficult for them — be quiet, don’t squirm, wear uncomfortable pants.

My kids are growing up in church, and so it’s important to me that they feel comfortable there. If they grow up thinking that church is a place fancy people to exchange niceties and smile politely, then all of this church stuff will be for naught.

Although I wish I didn’t, sometimes I worry about what people might think when they see my kids’ church behavior. I worry that the snacks look permissive, the crayons rolling under the chairs are distracting. And why won’t my kids listen?

Let’s be realistic, people probably are judging. But I also hope that occasionally someone sees me struggling with my kids and feels kinship. It’s hard to get to church with little kids, and sometimes it doesn’t feel like it’s worth it. But we’re here because worship matters, and because these unruly kids aren’t disrupting the church, they are the church. And you and your crazy family is welcome. In fact, you can come sit by us.

I will be the first to admit that my kids could stand to improve their church behavior. But I’m so thankful that in this place of worship, my kids feel at home to be themselves, and that my family is welcome, regardless of the squirming and distractions.

One day my family will all sit quietly. Feet on the floor, hands in our lap. Until then, I’ll let my kids run through the aisles.


  1. Erin January 7, 2020

    It’s important for kids to be kids everywhere

  2. Aubrey January 7, 2020

    You know what, I really admire you and your husband for taking your family to church. That’s what people should see instead of seeing kids being kids. The fact that you’re raising your children in the church is more important than any opinion.

  3. Eliza January 7, 2020

    You’re so right! Let children be children and enjoy going to church. Church is a place to love, not to feel anxious about. One day, just as you’ve written, they will all sit down like grown-ups. Until then, let them enjoy their childhood!

  4. Shalona January 7, 2020

    Adorable family! I know just how challenging it can be! Try not to worry so much other’s judgement because they should be a little understanding. Besides it’s not like they’re jumping off the chairs and stuff.

  5. Lindsey | Greenmamalife January 7, 2020

    I love this! I think our society is too hard on kids and doesn’t give them enough room to just be kids.

  6. Dawn January 7, 2020

    I LOVE how you say that children worship differently than adults! So true!!

  7. Ryan Berich November 7, 2022

    But is it ok for them to interrupt everybody’s time to worship? Also, is it ok to interrupt the minister while he or she is preaching? This is a slippery slope.

  8. Jeanie Brown June 27, 2023

    What about all of the people who are trying very hard to hear the message? I assume this is some sort of charismatic/Pentecostal or new age place though, and perhaps everyone is better off not hearing the message, otherwise, you should consider how inconsiderate it is to distract lost souls and legit Christians from hearing something that could be extremely important in their life. I know for me as a born again Christian, it’s very hard to get back into the sermon once I have lost the train of thought. For some of us going to church is our way of being able to go through the rest of the week amongst the godless world. children are born uncivilized little humans and God specifically tells us throughout the Old and New Testament that we must teach our children how to respect and obey us and the Lord. It’s not all about you.

    • amandakrieger June 30, 2023

      Thanks for the reply!

      Mark 10:13-16
      13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” 16 And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

    • Claude Fong Toy October 24, 2023

      Should it then be about you and what you want to get our or a Sunday gathering?

  9. Jeanie June 27, 2023

    https://www.gotquestions.org/disciplining-children.html….here, read this from a good website. (Biblical website-backed up by scripture and see what you think)

  10. Alan Mussmann September 17, 2023

    I agree… As a child I was not able to here The Gospel… Aren’t we all Children of God? When I was a child I acted as a child but now that I am grown I have put childish things away.


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