He gets his fashion sense from his father

It took David maybe 15 minutes to do this.DSC_4666

He arranged the shoes, walked over to hold onto the knee wall for balance, realized he was too far from the shoes, rearranged the shoes, went back to the knee wall, got one shoe on, lost that shoe while putting on the other shoe, and I think you probably get the idea.

I was on the couch behind him watching the whole thing.


I probably could have gotten up and helped him. It would have saved him a lot of trouble.

But it’s kind of like the nature videographer who doesn’t flip over the turtle. You can’t mess with stuff in the wild. You have to let nature take its course.


Plus, did you catch that part about me being on the couch?


  1. Grammy June 24, 2013

    and he is so proud of his accomplishment!

  2. Jenny June 24, 2013

    haha. love it!!!!

  3. Meredith June 24, 2013

    Classic kid move – don’t we all have a picture in one of our parent’s shoes??? (ps: don’t get off that couch)

  4. Tom June 24, 2013

    …and THAT is why I never put my shoes away

  5. Peggy June 25, 2013

    The whole look just says “Tom”

  6. Too cute! I’d have done the same… they learn so much more when we can hold ourselves back sometimes!

  7. Kristie July 4, 2013

    Awwww, love him!


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