So far…running and pregnancy

When I was 30-something weeks pregnant with David, I’d wake up every morning around 5am and not be able to fall back asleep. Around the same time my running group moved our afternoon runs to something unreasonable like 6am because, even though it was 80 degrees and humid, that was better than running at our normal time when it was 100+ degrees and humid.

I gracefully bowed out of the 6am runs because, hello? Pregnancy? But then I started the 5am wake ups and instead of staying in bed I decided I should get up, put on my running shoes, and then wait until 6am rolled around and go meet my friends.

That story right there is the difference between your first pregnancy and your second pregnancy. Now, it doesn’t matter if I’m wide awake or not, as long as my son is sleeping, I will be in bed at 5am.

This time around running has been going great. I’m 25 weeks pregnant, exhausted all the time, and running about four times a week (3 to 6 miles at a time).

In fact, I’d almost venture to say that it might even be going…better…than last time around.

Last time I ran a 10k when I was 22 weeks in 1:00.55. After the race, I was completely exhausted.
[I ran the 10k with my good friend Jorie. That’s her beside me in the VCU t-shirt. Fun fact: JORIE HAD A BABY BOY TODAY!]

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This time around I made it a goal to be able to run 6 miles until 22 weeks, but then I did it at 23 weeks and it wasn’t so horrible. I even did it in about the same time (1:01 something).

I’m crediting this “even better than last time” thing to my fitness when I got pregnant. Like I said, I had been running a lotand then I kept running a lot until the half-marathon when I was 10 weeks. In contrast, when I got pregnant with David I was running, but still coming off a bad hamstring injury.

I also haven’t gained as much weight this time around. Last time I gained more weight than I wanted. I sort of thought that since I was running I didn’t have to worry about what I was eating. Then, around 24 weeks, my doctor scolded me for my “rate of weight gain.” He asked me what I was eating and I said, “Um. I’m hungry all the time but I mostly snack on fruit.”

What I should have said is this: “Um. Peanut butter M&Ms. But I only eat them before 9am. You know, before second breakfast.”

This time I’m watching what I eat, trying to be healthier (but not obsessive). So far, so good, and I’m pretty sure it’s making it easier to stay active

I also have lots of great friends that keep me running. That’s actually my number one piece of advice if you want to start running: make some running friends (especially ones that don’t mind making bathroom stops). I’m tired all the time. Which means I never feel like running, but if I know I’m meeting someone for a run, I’ll do it. And get this: I’m always glad I did.

Earlier this week I wrote a guest post on E, Myself, and I about running while pregnant. You can read it here for even more details about why I run through pregnancy, some tips I’ve picked up along the way, and how running is going so far.


  1. Jenny February 21, 2013


  2. Laura @ Mommy Run Fast February 21, 2013

    Impressive! I’m so glad you’re feeling so good and still running strong. Time is moving along, too- can’t believe how far along you are already!

    • amandakrieger February 21, 2013

      i really really believe that pregnancy goes by faster (for everyone else!) if you wait a while to announce. that’s why i didn’t say anything until 20 weeks (and for our families, 14 weeks). i was already half-way done!

  3. […] last time I talked about running I was 25 weeks along. If you missed that post, here’s the summary: it’s great, better than expected. Right around that time I ran 4.3 […]


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