When I look at that belly, all I can think is: no way does that belly have six weeks left. I hate to admit it, but I sort of agree with the lady at the grocery store who wouldn’t believe me when I told her I wasn’t having twins. “Are you sure there aren’t two
Wow, take a look at the belly. (That Richmond Marathon shirt is Tom’s. My running shirts don’t quite cover the belly anymore, so I’m taking credit for races I didn’t run.) You can barely see my feet. Oh, there they are. Tomorrow I’ll be 31 weeks pregnant. Wow, right? Don’t worry, these next 9+ weeks won’t seem
When I was 30-something weeks pregnant with David, I’d wake up every morning around 5am and not be able to fall back asleep. Around the same time my running group moved our afternoon runs to something unreasonable like 6am because, even though it was 80 degrees and humid, that was better than running at our