Nine months

Since sharing all his business on the Internet has already bought David, at the worst, years of therapy and, at the very best, lots and lots of eye rolling, I’m just going to go ahead and throw caution to the wind here. Internet, I give you David’s most noticeable development this past month: We’ve introduced

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One thing’s for sure: he’s cuter than the books that used to be under the coffee table

David has a new trick. It’s very technical.  It’s called “crawling through the coffee table.” The first time he did it I went nuts. My heart exploded and I grabbed the camera. These photos? They’re for his college applications.  I didn’t take any photos of the dismount because at that point he hadn’t quite mastered

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Moving on

We dismantled David’s swing a few weeks ago and sent it to the attic. It was surprisingly a non-event. I tend to attach fabricated sentimental value to inanimate objects. This means he is GROWING and getting BIGGER! He LOVED this swing. This swing was responsible for most of his naps for the first three months

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