The day before we closed on our old house, I told the kids (with a bit of drama and gravity) that we were going to the old house to have dinner for the last time. I wanted to gauge their emotions, did they seem reluctant to go to the old house? Excited? Apathetic? Mary Virginia
Before I start, I’d like to frame this post by telling you that I love wildlife. I’m not at all squeamish about bugs or lizards or even spiders. I love wildlife and the environment, and when I was a kid, my best friend and I started a club called “Who Says You Can’t Save The Earth?”
Our new yard is full of beautiful blooms — hydrangeas, calla lilies, butterfly bushes, and Hibiscus. You can tell the previous owners cared about their home. They were thoughtful about things like irises and hydrangeas, and I imagine they looked forward to seeing them bloom every year. So when I noticed hydrangea blooms bigger than
If it wasn’t for Mary Virginia’s extensive duck collection, we probably could have stayed in our old house for a few more years. Immediately after I took this photo, I found four more rubber ducks. (And this doesn’t even include her plush ducks.) I got so much awesome moving advice, and now that we’re on
A few weeks ago as I was getting ready for bed, Tom rushed into the bedroom holding his laptop open to what looked very much like our dream house. Look at this room! And that one! A fireplace! A sun room! The next day we went to see it. I only had about fifteen minutes to look around, but

[Psst: If you’re planning to shop ThredUp, use my referral link and we’ll both get a $20 credit:] ————- After I wrote THIS post about cleaning out my closet and sending a bunch of stuff off to ThredUp, a few people asked me to write about my experience. Since I don’t get too many post requests,
In the past few weeks I’ve started to feel more like myself. Slowly, slowly my energy and motivation is returning. The change is subtle (I am, after all, still waking up with a baby 2-3 times a night) but this is the best way I can describe it: A few days ago I noticed a thick
My clothesline is full of tiny little clothes. Before you get sentimental looking at these ruffle-bottomed sleepers, onesies with doggies and teeny-tiny swaddles, let me tell you: if the Internet could somehow transmit smell, you’d be frantically covering that vent on your computer right now. These clothes look sweet, but my goodness they smell. After two washes and over
This year I made a goal to give away one item every time I acquire a new item. One thing in, one thing out. At the start of 2014 we took a few bags Goodwill to wipe the slate clean after Christmas purchases and gifts. I don’t think I’ve bought any new clothes or home