It’s time for New Year’s Resolutions. Actually, a week and a half ago was time for New Year’s Resolutions. We’re running a little late because we were hit with the horrible respiratory virus that’s leveled most of Richmond. At first Tom and I just thought we were getting a little cold. Ten days, 18 boxes

I’m writing this on Christmas Eve, sitting on the couch at Tom’s parent’s house re-watching Season 1 of Downton Abbey. I’ve had bacon for breakfast for five days straight, and I just ate a huge meal with ham, potatoes and broccoli casserole, finished off with a big piece of ice cream cake. As a complete
tumblr_lyohdqfu8k1r2ys05 Since we’re on the subject of goal-setting and New Year’s resolutions, this sermon on 2 Samuel 6-25 made consider success and failure in a whole new light. “Failure is exposure, and exposure can lead to repentance and repentance can lead to Jesus, the ultimate arrival… “Our success and our sinfulness may lead us to think
We’re moving full steam ahead on our New Year’s goals in the Krieger household. Tom’s riding his bike to work, doing speed work to train for the 10K, and I still miss drinking Diet Coke. Every single day I think about my plan to “Reduce clutter, organize and make our house more liveable”. My first