It’s mid-February, which means it’s high time to talk about New Year’s resolutions! If research is correct, most people have already abandoned their resolutions. If that’s you, consider this a timely reminder to get back to it! The year is young! This year I’m making it my personal goal to reduce our family’s trash. I’ve
On January 1, I completed my annual tradition of Googling the correct way to write “New Year’s resolutions.” Capital N, capital Y, apostrophe s, lowercase r. Did you know you can do that? You can Google punctuation and grammar rules. I’ve worked alongside a lot of copy editors and I promise you that most of
In the past few weeks I’ve started to feel more like myself. Slowly, slowly my energy and motivation is returning. The change is subtle (I am, after all, still waking up with a baby 2-3 times a night) but this is the best way I can describe it: A few days ago I noticed a thick
This year I made a goal to give away one item every time I acquire a new item. One thing in, one thing out. At the start of 2014 we took a few bags Goodwill to wipe the slate clean after Christmas purchases and gifts. I don’t think I’ve bought any new clothes or home
The holidays happen in a weird time warp. First, sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving, it seems like they’ll never get here. Then suddenly they feel like a big, evergreen monster on top of you, smothering you with to do lists, red ribbons and 100 Santa cupcakes. Then, just as quickly, they’re gone and it’s 2014.