

The color for the month of November at David’s school is brown. This shirt isn’t exactly brown, but it’s the best we could do. David loves preschool. Loves. I can’t emphasize that enough. He would go to preschool every day for 18 hours if he could. When he’s running away from me in the morning

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Runner’s high

After the half marathon, Tom draped our medals around David’s neck. He ran around the living room wearing them, twisting to make them clang and whip around his body. Then he stopped and looked down at them, looked back at us, back at the medals, and then looked at us and said the exact same

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Ladder truck

My dad, David’s grandpa, was a firefighter. He’s a retired firefighter now but, even so, you could say firefighting is in David’s blood. Firefighting is the kind of occupation that runs in the genes, and I guess the guys over at Station 12 could tell. I can’t think of any other reason they’d let a

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Finally contributing to the household

Finally contributing to the household

Every day David watches Tom leave for work. Tom says, “Bye, David, I’m going to work!” and David runs to the window to watch Tom get in his car and drive away. Despite that morning ritual, I have this conversation with David over and over, starting about five minutes after Tom leaves, and ending when

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David the Goliath

David the Goliath

Mary Virginia is noticing her brother more and more. It’s adorable when she looks at him dancing and jumping and playing and a smile explodes across her face. It’s also adorable when he wants to interact with her and hold her and brings her her pacifier announcing, “Here ya go Mary ‘ginia! Here ya go

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Red means go!

When I’m driving somewhere with David, I try to talk to him the whole time. When we’re at home he won’t let us read books to him or play alongside him. It’s one of the only times I have a captive audience, so I like to make the most of it. We spend most of the

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