Month 14

Month 14

Thomas is 14 months old. By the time his siblings were 14 months old, I was already pregnant, and so they both remember month 14 as “the month Mommy fell asleep.” But this time I’m not pregnant, and I’m still exhausted. Which makes me wonder, was I exhausted the past two times because of pregnancy?

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Month 12

Month 12

This is Thomas’s 12-month update, even though he’s 13 months and two days old. I wrote most of it when he was 12 months — before his birthday, before we moved, before Mary Virginia’s birthday — and then it sat unfinished in my drafts folder. Even though he’s 13 months old, and he’s standing on his

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Month 11

Month 11

I usually try to keep these posts under, say, 5,000 words, but I can’t make any promises this month. Month 11 has been big. HUGE. Thomas has been BUSY and there is a lot to catch up on. He’s hitting milestones like a college senior who checked the syllabus on the last week of the semester and

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Month 10

Month 10

Before I say anything else, I want to say this — month 10 has been so fun. The weather has been warm, and we’ve been playing outside. Thomas is learning more and he’s the happiest, sweetest baby ever. But month 10 has also been brutal. It started with me getting sick. Very, very sick. Sicker than I’ve ever been.

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Month 9

Month 9

This has been a big month for Thomas. I’d even say it’s been “full of firsts” except that’s what I said last month. I suppose Thomas has hit the stage where all he does is learning and growing. A few days ago, I was cooking and Thomas and David were in the living room. I stuck my

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Month 8

Month 8

Things are a little crazy around here, so this will be quick. But because every day is so hectic, keeping up with these updates actually feels like more of a priority. Since I don’t have time to give him actual individual attention, the least I can do is write a couple hundred words each month. Also, I

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Month 6

Month 6

Thomas is six months old, and I can hardly believe it. Six months is when things start to change, it’s the edge of when your baby becomes something entirely different. They start to eat solids, sit up, and soon he will crawl. In no time my sweet little ball of sunshine will be a mobile,

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Month 5

Month 5

I think Thomas has hit the cutest baby stage. But I thought that last month, too. I thought, “No way this baby could get more adorable IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!” But then he nuzzled his head under my chin and giggled as if to say, “You thought I was cute before? Watch this, Ma!” He is

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Month 4

Month 4

Every month before I write these, I go back and read about Thomas’s siblings at the same age (Mary Virginia, David) and here’s what I’ve learned: Thomas is big like his brother, sweet like his sister, and like both of his siblings, he looks great in blue. He looks enough like his siblings that I’m hoping

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