Tom got home from his wild night on the town at 10:42 p.m. I know the exact time because, before he went to bed, he leaned down and woke me up with a kiss on the cheek. I lifted my head from my pillow and said, “Why did you do that? You just woke me
Several of my friends were due with babies in the weeks before my due date, so as I became increasingly pregnant, hormonal, uncomfortable, and anxious to meet my little girl, my Facebook newsfeed was full of new baby girls and boys. There were lots of sibling photos — pictures of big brother or sister meeting the
An ode to the best season Watermelon in the backyard Sprinklers in the park A picnic with cousins Pool parties in the backyard Summer
There’s a lot of controversy in the blogging world about writing sponsored posts. Tom and I have talked about sponsored posts, and in that conversation we both decided that, if I ever wrote one I’d label it as a sponsored post at the top. Then we both slapped our knees and had a good laugh about
When I wrote this post I forgot one detail about pregnancy. I wasn’t even 30 weeks pregnant when I wrote it, and back then I forgot that you reach a point in pregnancy when you’ll do pretty much anything to just be done already…you’ll even endure the most extreme, the unthinkable…you’ll go through labor and