Have you ever noticed that my horizontal photos are just a bit squished? It’s because the theme and framework on my blog is just a few pixels too small. It irritates me, but not enough to fix it. (It’s been like that for two years!) Until I fix it, if you click on my photos,

When it’s cold, I cook exclusively in the oven. I’m not kidding, I scour the house looking for things I can bake. Cookies, bread, pizza, roasted chicken. Pancakes? Can you bake pancakes? WORTH A TRY! The house just feels so much cozier when there’s something in the oven, doesn’t it? This is completely unrelated to

Just when I thought this was becoming an easy habit, I completely forgot to take photos this week. Thankfully we had an unseasonably warm Saturday, and playing in the front yard feels special enough for photos. There’s a link-up below for anyone interested, even if you aren’t specifically participating in the 52 project. But if

David started preschool over two years ago, just a few weeks after his second birthday (Mary Virginia was barely three months old). Back then he wasn’t potty trained, had no hair, and was barely speaking in sentences. And, he didn’t have an opinion about what he wore so I was able to coordinate his clothes with the

Last weekend Tom took Mary Virginia to a Father Daughter Dance. As he was getting ready, I encouraged him to put on a suit instead of a sport coat. “Some of the dads will be wearing tuxes, Tom. And come here, look. Elizabeth Phillips has already posted photos. Come look at what Sloan’s wearing.” Tom didn’t even
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016. I hadn’t intended on a theme for this week. Actually, yes I had. I intended to take Valentine’s-themed photos. Then I dressed Mary Virginia in the most adorable Valentine’s Day outfit, and a different theme emerged. These are all taken from above, which

Recently in the afternoons, while my younger two nap, I’ve been listening to the most popular TED talks of 2015. TED talks are so great, they’re relatively brief but pack in so much new information and perspectives that challenge you to think in new ways. Since I started this new habit, when Tom comes home from
Groundhog Day was last week, and Punxsutawny Phil predicted an early spring. Not that I care. Not that I’m counting down the days until it’s so warm that I no longer have to sing winter’s Getting Ready With Toddlers song, which goes like this, “Go get your coat. Where is your coat? Go find your