The Great Art Show of 2023: New Year, New Traditions!
By: Mary

On January 15, 2023, the Krieger family held our first ever art show! Me, (Mary) and my cousin Berkley had been planning for two weeks and were ready to go at 3:20 p.m. on Sunday. The art show was held at our house on a Sunday, since our families spend every Sunday afternoon together. We had two age groups (9 & up and 8 & under) and a playroom full of art ready to go! Everyone participated, even the baby of the family, two year old Addy!

We got off to a late start due to a birthday party delay and a tardy Grandma, but in the end it all turned out great! For this competition, each age group had three winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and a grand winner (the best out of the two first placings). We had a prize bin full of goodies for the winners of all ages and a grand prize for the grand winner. Each person got a turn to present their art and answer any questions. Berkley and I were the judges, and we wrote down notes and reviewed them afterwards. Here are all the contestants in every age group:


Pops 9+: Country Comfort sketch

Mimi 9+: Butterfly salt art – 2nd place

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Aunt Lindsay 9+: Quilt – 1st place (tied)

Mom 9+: Stocking and booties – 1st place (tied)

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Uncle Steve 9+: Modern Worship – most inspiring award

Caleb 9+: Pipe cleaner turtle and piano piece

David 9+: Minecraft turtle

Big Daddies 9+: Last Dance With Mary Jane by: Tom Petty 3rd place

Dad,  Lead Guitar

Uncle Steve, Acoustic Guitar

Pops, Bass

Aunt Roxanne 9+:  Sand Dollar art

Thomas U8:  Mixed Media – 1st place

Anna U8: Bluey Art – 3rd place

Joshua U8: Collage – honorable mention

Psalm U8: Collage – 2nd place

Addy U8: Collage

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After the art show, everyone headed to the couch, ready to enjoy the football game! Meanwhile, Berkley and I were exchanging notes and choosing the winners. We gathered clipboards and notes and announced the winners!  

For eight and under: Anna 3rd place, Psalm 2nd place, and finally Thomas 1st place! And Joshua with an honorable mention! For nine and up: The Big Daddies 3rd place, Mimi 2nd place, and for first place we have a tie between Aunt Lindsay and Mom!

And for our grand winner, drumroll please, THOMAS!!!!!

🥳🥳 Hooray for our 2023 art show winner!

Everyone who didn’t place won honorable mentions and candy.  Thomas received a pop it, a squish-mallow, two big-sized candy bars, and so many smiling faces! The placers chose their prizes and everyone was happy with what they got! While everyone enjoyed their treats, us judges decided we deserved a prize too, and snacked on the king sized candy bars that we used as prizes! The cousins slept over, and the next day, they gathered their entries, prizes, and smiles and left us to relax!

This art show was a huge success and definitely showed everyone that KRIEGERS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Everyone had a blast and I’m sure that this will become a new tradition. These two weeks helped everyone learn important lessons in time management, art skills, and creativity! Some of us hadn’t experienced anything like this in a long time and I think it was a great opportunity to find the artistic side of themselves. This art show was one of the funnest things I’ve done this winter.

Congrats to all our blooming artists, Thomas especially! I’m looking forward to next January! Happy new year everyone!!



  1. Karen January 18, 2023

    Luv the art!!!

  2. Vickie Southall January 20, 2023

    Good job on your post Mary.

    • Mary January 23, 2023

      Thanks! It was so fun to blog again! I haven’t done it since I was 7!

  3. Beth Bowman February 15, 2023

    I’m catching up on your blog and I love that Mary work this entry! I’ve only met her very briefly, but line others have said over the tests, she’s kind of like my spirit animal. Way to go, Mary, and congratulations to everyone in the art show!

  4. Leeanne McPerson October 28, 2024

    Aww, so cute!


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