is having a cute kids contest and when I heard about it I was like, CUTE KIDS?!? BOY OH BOY DO I HAVE SOME CUTE KIDS FOR YOU!! I entered all three of my kids, but you can only vote once. I realize that by entering all three I actually split the Krieger vote and lessened my chances of winning, but how could I possibly choose just one child and ignore the other two?
If you want, head over to the Real Cute Kids Contest and vote for my kiddos. If you really want, vote on all your devices, forward the link to all your friends and family, and ask them to vote on all their devices, too.
If you’re torn about who to vote for, I voted for David simply because his name comes first alphabetically. You can do that too. Not for cuteness purposes, but for not-splitting-the-vote purposes.
If you see a photo of a child that is cuter than my children and are tempted to vote for them then HOW DARE YOU!!!
A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016
David / Reminiscent of these photos almost a year ago. David still picks Dandelions, which he now calls sunflowers, every time we go outside. He’s also still sweet, formidable, and unfortunately still brings up mortality over pancakes more often than I’d like.
Mary Virginia / When Grammy and Gramps are in town we eat bacon for breakfast, potato chips for lunch, and strawberries with whipped cream for snack.
Thomas / I looked away for five seconds. FIVE SECONDS. Which was a mistake, because it only takes him two seconds to crawl from one end of the house to the other for cat food. I swear the kid can sense when the baby gate is down.