A birthday bash

In the 18 days since David’s birthday he has taken exactly three naps. The nap strike started on the day of his birthday. It’s as if he read somewhere on the Internet that some kids drop their nap at age three and thought, “No more napping? Yeah. I think I can make that happen,” and then circled August 16th on his calendar.

David has never been a great napper. When he was 18 months old, the only way I could get him to nap was to put him in the car and drive to McDonald’s. Ever since he was a baby, when I’d tell people that he skips naps, people would often suggest that maybe he’s giving up his nap. I’ve always said NO. Because on the days that he doesn’t nap, he falls apart. He might not be able to fall asleep, but he also can’t make it through the day.

His birthday was a great example. He spent all morning swimming the lake, all afternoon refusing to nap, and he showed up at his birthday party glassy-eyed and a little grumpy. He’d occasionally rally to hop in the pool and stuff his face with cake, but he barely had energy to do much else. He kept getting distracted and I’d find him sitting on the deck, or by the pool, staring off into the distance.



David’s birthday was on the last day of our vacation at Smith Mountain Lake, and we celebrated with a small family party at my parents’ house. Except that my parents’ version of “small family party” is this: a backyard full of friends and family, a pool, and live music. LIVE MUSIC!

Much like nearly all of my birthdays growing up, the sound track of David’s birthday was live covers of “Ring of Fire” and “Petticoat Junction.”







When it was time to blow out the candles, our talented musician lead us all in a celebratory rendition of “Happy Birthday”, and we cut the Lightning McQueen birthday cake.





When we opened presents, David was too tired to be interested. He stood on the periphery while I showed him his presents and unwrapped them for him. He’d occasionally get excited, then get distracted again.



For example, in this picture I’d just opened a remote control Lightning McQueen. He looked up from his book, acknowledged the car, then got back to reading.

If that’s not a tired three-year old then I don’t know what is.


Thanks so much to all our the cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and dear friends who celebrated with us. The past three years have been so rich and wonderful, and we’re blessed to have such a great circle of people that love David Andrew and the rest of our family so well.

Happy third birthday to our big three-year old boy. Our big three-year old boy who will start napping again very soon…right?




  1. Janna.lee September 3, 2014

    It was so sweet to see David on the elevator on Sunday so eager to push the buttons.
    He is adorable! So is his beautiful little sister!

  2. Lynsie September 3, 2014

    Peyt was a horrible napper and nixed hers around 18 months and would fall asleep in her high chair at dinner, awful! Will was a GREAT napper, but around 3 he would only take one about 1 out of every 5 or so days and then on those days was impossible to get to bed. I have friends whose kids napped hard until they were 5, I haven’t experienced that luxury yet. Maybe with another one!

  3. sarita September 3, 2014

    Awww… what lovely pics!!! Your parents know how to throw a rocking party!!

    <3 Sarita http://www.itsagirlgirlworld.blogspot.com


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