It’s been seven weeks since I last posted about running. It’s too bad, because I’ve come a long way since then…literally and figuratively. My first run after having Mary Virginia seems so long ago because running feels totally different now. It has been a slow process, but my daily run no longer seems insurmountable. And
Last Monday I went for a run. It’s been 14 weeks since I last went for a run. Three and a half months. That’s the longest break I’ve taken from running since I went out for the track team 16 years ago. When I finished, achy and sweaty, it occurred to me that it’s good

There’s a pile of maternity clothes folded on the floor of my bedroom. Even though I’m still shaped like Humpty Dumpty, my maternity clothes don’t fit anymore, so they’re waiting to be sent back to the attic. They’re sitting in my closet, under my regular clothes that don’t really fit either. Ah, postpartum is such

I haven’t blogged about running since April. That’s unreal because when I first started this blog, I sort of thought it would be part baby blog, part running blog. But, like every other part of my life, David has sort of taken over. Running since the 10k has been great, but a little directionless. Since
If you happen to check my 10k time, know that it would be more accurate with at asterisk that says: 57:41 *and also she biked 3 miles to the start (so her quads were a liiiittle tired before she even started). Just kidding. That would be an excuse. The real story is: the race was
As long as you don’t mind five inches of freshly fallen pollen, now is a great time to live in Richmond. We’re having the kind of weather I’d order off a menu: warm, breezy, and sunny with no bugs and no humidity. The flowers are blooming, the grass is green and everyone is running. The sidewalks
Last night Tom took David for a run in the jogging stroller for the first time ever. He ran 5 miles at a 7:30 pace while pushing the stroller. No big deal. I stayed home and did some freelance work. Alone in the house for almost 40 minutes, it felt like new worlds were open
I haven’t written much about running lately, but it’s not because I haven’t been running. Instead, running has become less of an Event and more commonplace. I’m getting back to my old self. Not totally, but I’m getting there. The other day I went for a run wearing my running tights. I wore them earlier this