Like I said, Mary Virginia wasn’t smiling by five weeks. But five weeks and two days? Well now, that’s a different story entirely.
At just five weeks old, Mary Virginia is holding her head up practically as well as David did at three months. Five-week old Mary Virginia: Three-month old David: But David smiled at five weeks, and when she was five weeks old, Mary Virginia was still mostly scowling. This has to mean something, right? Like that
One of the side benefits of having a newborn in the house is that they draw lots of admiring visitors. When you’re lucky, the visitors are some of your oldest, dearest, out-of-town friends. The other side benefit is that since you have a newborn in the house, you don’t even have to come up with an excuse
The first month is a blur of sleep deprivation and wonder at bright eyes and itty bitty everything. This baby girl? She’s so beautiful. Mary Virginia has spent her first month finding her thumb and holding her head up remarkably high for her age. She performs both skills as well as most two-month olds, so
We celebrated July 4th with two of Tom’s best friends. He grew up with these guys, and they’re all married with kids now. Nothing much has changed except they don’t play nearly as much GoldenEye on Nintendo 64 as they did back in middle school. Between the three couples there are seven kids under the
Four years ago today, Tom and I got married. Happy Interdependence Day. If we could give new couples any advice, it would be this: don’t have a baby four weeks before your anniversary. Not if you want to actually celebrate your anniversary, that is. I’m sure there are plenty of couples with babies younger than
Mary Virginia’s first bath – June 15, 2013 Post-bath tears Post-bath snuggles Growing up, I used to love looking through my baby book. With that in mind, I have baby books for both of my children. David’s is all filled out with pictures and anecdotes. Mary Virginia is brand new, so hers is mostly blank.
Writing the last part of a birth story is tricky, because everyone already knows the ending. Spoiler alert, here’s how it ends: It’s also hard because, when this was happening I was in a certain amount of…distress? Is that the word? No. Pain? Suffering? No, none of those words are strong enough. I was in