
This is week 50, which is incredible for two reasons.

First, at this point it’s safe to say that I’ve stuck to the project!

Second, it means this year is almost over. The year feels long and short at the same time, especially when I look back at these photos; especially when I look at my list of things to do before Christmas.

Third, I know I didn’t say three reasons, but I did that on purpose because it’s week 50 but there are actually 3 more Saturdays. Which means 2016 is trying to pull a fast one on us.

A photo of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016.


David / David brought home a Christingle this week from school, and he was really charmed by it. He was so excited for me to read the symbolism, to say the prayer before lunch, and of course to eat the candies.


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Mary Virginia / This week was Mary Virginia’s half-birthday, and we celebrated with a stack of cookies and singing “Happy Half-Birthday” at every meal.


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Thomas / Water play in the kitchen sink. Because that saying about the days being long? I’m pretty sure it’s referring winter days.


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